
You’ve found the perfect car: now to finance it.

The Studio PSI is your auto loan source for the most updated financial options. Our staff understands that not every asset should be sourced with cash, so we’ve searched for the best lending options available to help you keep more of your liquidity available for other assets and investments. We’re eager to provide financing for your new car, new performance mods, or a routine maintenance invoice. We’ll work with you to secure the best available financing options no matter how expensive, timeless, or rare the unit might be. Simply begin with our online finance application to start the process.



Our financial services include:

  • Competitive rates from local lenders and national banks
  • Quick approvals
  • Value added financial products to help protect your investment
  • Extended service contracts and warranties
  • Finance options for a repair orders or performance modifications
  • Secure document finance applications

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 9 AM - 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 2 PM


Call Us


Use our online finance calculator

By using our various website tools, you can determine how much you may qualify for, all from the comfort of your home. Start by clicking our finance calculator tool and enter the necessary information to see what a payment would look like based on general information provided.


Estimate Your Monthly Payment


If you’re ready to move forward based on the general budget from the information entered, you can complete a full credit application from your Phone or computer. Click the “Finance Application” button below to get started. This will save you the hassle of visiting our facility and the anxiety of discussing financing options with someone you don’t know. Depending on the car and your buying power, you might qualify for certain incentives or programs for your new car that we can discuss at a later time.


Your information is safe with us

We realize that submitting sensitive financial information online makes people nervous, and we’ve gone to great lengths to keep our customers’ data safe. All our finance calculators and web forms are secure, and you can safely enter your information without worrying about identity theft or other misuse. We even limit the staff that will see it internally within our organization as the information is sent directly to the operators of the company only. The Studio PSI values current safeguard acts!


After the Sale - Performance modifications & Service Repair Orders

Even after delivery of your new vehicle, we work to keep our relationship with you growing by offering only high-quality parts and services at affordable prices, many with the opportunity to finance..


So don’t purchase parts for your new car without checking out our parts specials first. We offer discounts on special items for our existing clients as we value our current relationships most. We’ve partnered with several finance companies to help you get your build and modifications done quicker so you can get back to enjoying the car. Check out our partners below and complete an application.

If your vehicle is in need of a large repair bill, but you need to float the money for a short time prior to freeing up some capital, Look no further than our maintenance finance options . These options are affordable and will give you a structured payment until you are ready to pay it off. In today’s environment, these services fill a large need for many drivers, and we can help direct you to the best option.